
Posts by kristen5

PopUp! Time Check

PopUp! Time Check

Location : Time Check Neighborhood, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Partner : ISU Bridge Studio

The recovery of the Time Check neighborhood has been a long slow road. In 2013, the CDL and Bridge Studio students worked with community members in Cedar …

Morgan Cline Park

Morgan Cline Park

Location : Centerville, Iowa

Partner : City of Centerville

The CDL partnered with the City of Centerville to enhance its city park. The CDL mapped Centerville’s Mogan Cline Park to provide the community with an inventory of tree species and …

Clarinda Lied Center

Clarinda Lied Center

Location : Clarinda, Iowa

Partner : Clarinda Lied Center

The two project goals for the CDL were to provide greater connectivity between the Lied Center and city of Clarinda, and expand the Lied Center building. The number of patrons using …

6th Avenue Corridor

6th Avenue Corridor

Location : Des Moines, Iowa

Partner : 6th Avenue Corridor Inc.City of Des Moines

In 2011, the CDL partnered with 6th Avenue Corridor Inc. a non-profit dedicated to the promotion and revitalization of the neighborhoods along the …

Time Check Analysis

Time Check Analysis

Location : Time Check Neighborhood, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Partner : Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture

The goal of this project was to create a proposal for providing affordable housing as part of disaster recovery from the 2008 flood. Flooding …

Modular Housing

Modular Housing

Location : Time Check Neighborhood, Cedar Rapids, Iowa


The CDL proposed the construction of housing in vacant lots of the Time Check neighborhood to rebuild after the 2008 flood. New buildings were proposed to increase housing density and …

Carver Elementary Garden

Carver Elementary Garden

Location: Des Moines, Iowa

Partners : Eat Greater Des Moines, George Washington Carver Elementary School

George Washington Carver Elementary School is expanding their school garden since its creation in 2012. Working with parents, teachers, students, and residents, the …



Location : Centerville, Iowa

Partner : City of Centerville, Appanoose County, CIRAS Economic Development

The CDL partnered with the city of Centerville and Appanoose County to develop designs for a more interconnected community. The CDL recommended how to …

Cultivate Hope Urban Farm

Location : Time Check Neighborhood, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Partners : Matthew 25, OPN ArchitectsIowa State University College of Design Bridge Studio

Flooding in 2008 destroyed more than 1200 homes in the Time Check neighborhood. In 2012, the …

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